Just how do you specify a Digital Building Directory?

We all know now that the traditional directory board just does not cut it anymore but choosing the right digital version to replace it is not as easy as it seems.

Why do you need to know? Well because you don’t have time to search the internet endlessly for directory products that either don’t complement your interior design efforts or are digital signage players dressed up as tenant directories.
You need to know what features you require you’re looking for and that means both understanding the terminology and what your client needs in a directory.
So let’s break this down;
Digital Directories are also termed tenant directories or building directory boards and come in a dazzling variety of styles and sizes but the challenge comes in understanding the real difference between design, quality and most importantly the software that meets, greets and increasingly informs visitors to your building.

Here’s a quick checklist to make your task a little easier:
first the hardware…

  • Does it match your design aesthetic?
  • How big is their range offering?
  • Have they used the latest technology components?
  • Do they have custom finish and trim options?

next the software..

  • Does it have customizable screen design templates?
  • Just how easy can it be updated?
  • Can it be updated from anywhere?
  • Does it work even without a network connection?

and lastly..

  • Are they locally manufactured and supported?
  • Do they have a 24 hour call centre?

Overwhelmed? The best place to start looking at digital directories is with us. Sprocket has just developed the latest and most innovative digital directory software on the market today. Sprocket go is feature and media rich whilst remaining easy to use, combine this with our sleek hardware and you’re set.

Check it out and be surprised.Sprocketgo Digital Directory Software

Photography: Mark Walsh 4mtr.com

  • Simon Rashleigh